Sunday, September 26, 2010

at the other side of the ocean!

good job, guys!

いいね、このコンビ! 西側の海に黄昏る、N美氏。

Sent via BlackBerry by AYU


  1. Welcome home and congrats! Good to see you all safe and sound today.

  2. 到着おめでとうございます!!!無事に終わってなによりです。皆さんお疲れさまでした。

  3. Wow what a great race.
    It must be a bummer to have finished already!
    Now you have a perfectly running bike,
    and some great memories.

    Go sleep for a couple days!

  4. You guys are a great team , Shinya an Niimie fixing bikes and Ayu for staying up late taking pictures and keeping us informed on this blog. You guys inspire me again and again. Now its time for me to get my ass in the garage and work on my projects thank you. Now you should rest, but I know you guys your probably already working on your next project.
