Tuesday, December 29, 2009

have to go a long way before becoming a guru...

i was talking to shinya about t of chico moto 's paint removal job.  shinya said "t is just like you!" what? excuse me? what are you talking about?

you mean, this?

oh, this, huh?

maybe this one...

OK, i got it! 
yes, i got bored and quit it. 
old paint is so tough to remove.



  1. Sensei knows,
    "Wax on, wax off"
    makes for a champion.That lead paint always makes for one heck of a bloody time, dajare aside.
    Keep up the good work!

  2. I like the partialy removed look.. adds character. :) Yeah that's it.

  3. ok.....im taking everything to the bead blaster....

  4. bobke: hahaha, thank you.

    Paul: just need some more hawaiian donuts, man!

    t: yeah, i agree!

    matt@machine: ah! bead blaster!!! that's not fair!
