one of the rejected parts of the day...
shinya never calculates how long did he take to make parts or a whole bike. to him it is the finished piece that really matters. in another words, he will do whatever it takes to create what he wants. according to my careful observation :) this parts, probably took him about half a day to make but took 2 days to come up with the idea. he decided not to use it in probably 2 hours. when i saw it on the bike, it looked perfect to me. now he already made an alternative one and i totally understand why he didn't want to use this one and, yes, the new one looks away better then this rejected one. is it some optical illusion tricks or is it just my eyes? hmmmm....shinya really have a keen eye for beauty...
普段パーツ作るのに何時間かかったとか、バイクが出来上がるのにどれだけ時間がかかったなどと計算しない木村氏。 結局作りたいものが出来上がるまでは何が何でもやるわけで・・・ 今回のこのボツになったパーツも、私の観察記録によりますと大体半日弱で出来あがっていましたけれど、この構想を練るのに2日ほどかかっていたのじゃないかしら。そして、出来上がって2時間でボツ決定です。このパーツをバイクの某部分にあてがってみると、何ともパーフェクトに見えたのですが、新たに作ったパーツをあてがうと・・・新しい方が数倍、数十倍も美しく見えます。これって目の錯覚なの?それとも私の目が悪いだけかしら?あのパーフェクトに見えたものっていったい・・・それを見抜く審美眼を持つ木村氏って、やっぱりただものじゃない、あ、そうだ、妖怪だったんだっけ。
how about a picture of the replacement part?
ReplyDeleteBobx: sorry, it's already on the bike and i can't show it yet. i will when the time comes.