Friday, February 5, 2010

the tequila king...

love this cover!
the latest issue of hot bike japan
photo of jj by isobe-san, the tequila king.

another gorgeous photo of max by the tequila king.

the shinya's golden bud vase
flew over to japan.
kindda wired, it was here but now it's there...

judge what's cool and what's not by your own sensibility. just copying the superficial gloss of somebody makes you just superficial. don't be a soulless plurality, instead stand in your belief. i sensed something like this through out the mag. cool issue.



  1. "Instead stand in your belief".

    Ayu your words are the mirror that is you, tremendous.

  2. venturamotorworks: cheers! we enjoyed your video "man of steel" on you tube! awesome!

    Rockford: i don't know what to say except thank you! :)

  3. I was alone in a garage with Jason's bike once in Denver Colorado. I sat on it and made varooooooom noises.

  4. Jason: hahahaha i would do the same if i was alone in a garage with his bike!
