K of ventura motorworks
we love him because he's honest to others
and to himself. and funny. and hardworking.
his bikes tell all that.
大好きなventura motorworksのK。
wow! liked this bike a lot.
built by cro customs with great care.
cro customsの新作。とても丁寧な仕事。
oh my! the bike looks soooo small.
cro C on the spike!
C of speed shop design from seattle
and his girlfriend L polishing his latest
work "beezerker."
speed shop designのCと彼女のLが最新作
shinya on the best of show winner beezerker.
congrats C and L!!
shinya's pick
this one was pretty cool, too.
found this actinian creature on the rocky shore
right down the queen mary park.
The best part about the show being "mellow" ( a very nice way of saying dead) was that I got to talk and hang out more with you guys.Shinya and Ayu I admire you two so much,and you have always made me feel good about what I do.You must understand,when you two dig what I do it fills me with hope and pride and makes me want to try just a little bit more, to do just a little bit better, thank you, I love you. My biggest thrill on Sun. was getting to finally introduce my 83 year old father to my hero, Shinya. Stay strong my brother and sister, K
ReplyDeleteventuramotorworks: WE LOVE YOU, TOO!! let's do our best!
ReplyDeleteslowest: paella?
It was a long week end for us but being able to spend time with you two made it worth every hour of driving. Thank you for your hospitality, I wish we could see each other more often! Lynn really appreciated getting to meet and talk with Sensei and now truly understands why I find you and Shinya to be such a large influence! Thank you :) Chris
ReplyDeleteGood to see you as usual! thanks for letting me sit on the knuck! Kurt rules too.
Speed Shop Design: it was fun! you are lucky that you got a very sweet and supportive girlfriend. :)
ReplyDeletecro: yes, Kurt rules and YOU rule, too. we love your latest bike. see you around!
...in a paella too, but cooking with lemon are ''magnifique''...
ReplyDeletei love this Wes Cooley Oil cooled katana!!!!
ReplyDeleteslowest: cooking with lemon...we'll try!
ReplyDeleteGiannis: indeed a lovely bike :)