Wednesday, September 29, 2010


we thank you all for following our cannonball journey with us. we were encouraged and energized by those comments, emails and support that you sent us so much. now we + our dog + the van and the indian are back in our shop all in one piece. thank you! still it hasn't hit us yet but it sure did changed our minds about motorcycle and motorcycling. we thank all the fellow cannonballers for showing us your never-give-up-spirit and were so lucky to share the moment with you all.

長いキャノンボールの旅にお付き合いくださってありがとうございました!時間を割いてコメントやメールをくださった皆さん、本当に励まされました、ありがとう。 私達3人、老犬、インディアン、そしてチャボバン、無事にアズサに戻ってまいりました。夢のような話で実感は全く沸きませんけど、本当に行ったのか、そして戻って来たのかも定かではありませんけど、モーターサイクルという乗りものに対する気持ちに大きな変化があったこと、素晴らしい出会い、絶対に諦めない根性を教えてくれた大先輩のキャノンボーラー達のスピリット、これから少しずつかみしめてもっともっとバイクで遊んでどんどんバカらしいことにチャレンジしながら楽しく暮らしていこうと思います。

 the indian, you are incredible!


 what is this huge box?


  shinya's new tool cabinet...
he said "it grew bigger!"



  1. you three are my heros...that was some ride.... i was in contact with t before you arrived home and asked him if he would give you my best....ayu..the pleasure is all ours to watch your posts and cheer on the boys...thank you..

  2. Loved following your trip. Where can we get a Cannonball 80 Motorcycle t-shirt?!?!

  3. Congratulations team Chabott !!! ... Great diary ... and such style.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. This was so rad. Glad you guys are safe back at home.

  6. Like so many others I too enjoyed following the adventures of Team Chabott everyday. I would check the blog first thing everyday when I got home from work.
    And the #80 T-Shirt is a tremendous idea.

  7. Great job guys!! I've enjoyed reading your blog and looking at the pics during the run.

  8. thank you!!
    i will try to put up #80 and other t-shirts on our website soon.

  9. Congratulation to an monumental and historical achievement! I'd guess there was some nights with precious little sleep and lots of worries but you all pulled throu with flying flags! I'd really like to know what the riding comfort, prestanda and road holding abilitys was like, on the rear sprung Indian compared to hardtails on the course? You're among very few now living that really know what and how it is to ride the Indian long distance and I would really appreciate a riders (and of course mechanics)wiew!

  10. welcome back home ..:) you did a great run day when whatching your run and all that vintage bikes, made me stop whatever i was working ...and start my indian engine!witch i never heard before here a link of that :

    Greets guys !

  11. Ayu, It was a great accomplishment, and a little bit of fun too. I hope to see you guys again soon.

    If you can make it up to SF for the 49 Mile Ride on Halloween, here are the details:

    Any old bike can do the run, just a few hours in the saddle, followed by a bbq lunch on the San Francisco Bay.

  12. occhiolungo: yes, it was! you rock, P! only 49 miles? that's nothing! but sounds great. hope we can make it. we love san francisco. i went to high school in san francisco. one of our favorite cities in the U.S.
