Saturday, January 15, 2011

hand fetish...

shinya making and putting seat fasteners for the mv agusta. me, taking pictures of his hands.

アグスタのシートに留め金を付けるの図。決して”手フェチ” ”指フェチ” じゃございません。


  1. Darrell Holland sez: don't wear gloves when using lathe or mill -- might catch and tear you apart!

  2. Shinya,

    The fastner details look clean and fast. Like the recessed allens.
    Fun with the air drill. Try using
    2nd finger as the trigger finger. Makes the drill fit the hand better and helps with alignment.


    I know you will be humble and deflect my comment. However you have a keen eye for composition and lighting. If you were ever to do a coffee table book or collection of photos, I would certainly purchase one. Very much like the b/w.

  3. 楽しそうでやんす。

  4. Slater: shinya usually don't wear gloves when he uses drill press. or lathe. or mill. i guess he did it because he needed to :)

    Rockford: THANK YOU!!

    けん2: 楽しそうだよねー 旋盤やフライスを使う時に手袋をするのは危険ですって注意のコメントもらっちゃったけど、普段は手袋なんてしないのにねー残念!
