Sunday, February 20, 2011

keep on creating...

shinya says he will never stop making
something if it is physically possible.

he has been mainly working on mv agusta and it's basically done, just need to be ridden to break in the freshly rebuilt engine(fun part).'s not the end of the story. now his main focus is on twin-cam that he also has started last october. shinya said if he wanted to keep going with what he's doing,"I JUST NEED TO CONTINUE, THAT'S ALL!" hmmm...that's easier said than done...
oh, by the way, it looks like super easy but rolling a thick aluminum sheet is very hefty :)



  1. thats a very good video ayu...i am just about to buy a roller and was wondering how many times it would take to roll like that.....that answers for me....10 times or so...shinya, how thick is that alloy....3mm?...those are good rollers...i cant buy like that here....

    and with regard to "i just need to continue, thats all"....thats the truth of it....i feel that in my life here...i just need to go straight...continue...go...simple.


  2. Nice video indeed!
    For me "just continue" is one of the hardest things. It needs focus, determination and an attitude of "cut the crap".

  3. i guess the mans gotta do what hes gotta do....which obviously produces some amazing creations....having the drive to push it is what separates most....

  4. matt machine: thank you. yes,it's little over 3mm. keep going on your way, matt!

    Alfred: thank you. i feel the same way...

    shellie: exactly...
