Wednesday, February 23, 2011

was gonna drink tequila all night long with him...

 our precious friend and great photographer I-san
was here from japan with G and K from oakland.
I-san has been taking photos of shinya 
and his work for 20 years so I-san can tell
any changes in shinya from
"oh, you lost your wight a little bit?"or
"you got serene eyes today" to
"your hair getting thinner, ha?"
very funny...


he uses nikon.



  1. i love nikon...old days f3 with motor d90.

  2. amazing cameras .... i cant understand so many of the buttons.....keep trying to time i suppose...but always good to have a teacher....i have a friend here who is a pro with a d90....she gives me 2 hints every 2 months!.

  3. What is Kaz Yamaguchi up to these days ? ( "Zero Chopper Spirit " )

    I don't know how the rest here feel , but I'm really feeling the need for another Shinya book in my collection .

    Maybe " Chabott Coachbuilder Spirit " ?

    Maybe another photographer ?

  4. A better title suggestion for a possible new Shinya book .

    " Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Coachbuilding "

  5. Why do you prefer Nikon? I'm saving up right now to upgrade, and currently have primarily nikon cameras/equipment. Is there a particular reason you go with Nikon? It's difficult for me to see the real differences between them and Canon or Olympus or Pentax or anything else...

  6. @ Igloo

    If i may be so bold , allow me to give an answer to your question . First know I'm a Leica M6 user first and foremost . But even I have a Nikon in my quiver for the following reasons .

    1) Nikon has and still is the most active supporter of Professional Photographers the benefits which trickle down to even their most basic of cameras

    2) Nikon provides a quality of lens second only to Leica as well as being adaptable in all of their models from the oldest of Bayonet Film to the most modern of their Digital . e.g. Old lenses continue to be usable as you modernize your equipment

    3) Like Leica also Nikon provides service and parts for ALL of their cameras no matter what the age

    4) Finally Nikon cameras last . Again like Leica they're built like tanks with in Nikons case the technology and reliability of a Lexus LF-A

    Nikon is the choice of professionals world wide and for a multitude of very good reasons .

  7. Guitarslinger: we will make some books in near future :)

    Igloo: i chose nikon because i like it. and i enjoy putting old nikon lenses onto the new body.

  8. Ok. Thank you! Both of you! I have a bunch of old Nikon stuff that I still use and shoot with. I think I'll be sticking with Nikon. Thanks again!!! Perhaps when I get my new camera I can show you what I'm shooting.
