Saturday, May 21, 2011

share the same feeling with a sworn friend...

on the way to hanford antique motorcycle swap meet, there were some old cars cruising on the 210 fwy. great view!


 ariel square four engine!

アリエル スクエアーフォーエンジン!

the best thing we found at the swap meet was...him! we reunited with R, the cannonballer #47! he also rode 1915 indian and he was the first person who talked to us when we arrived in kitty hawk, NC. we often parked next to each other and repaired our indians at night together. good times. R said there was D, another cannonballer #18 who also rode 1915 indian at the swap meet but we couldn't spot him. anyway, reuniting with R meant a lot to us. i still can't quite believe that we did cannonball, though :)




  1. ロ~~~ン!! 思い出すと、何だかニヤニヤしちゃう人。 あぁ、アメリカの人って素敵だ。 素敵な先輩。 かっこいい!! ayuさんが一番凄いと思うけど・・。

  2. Guys '

    I see You searching in a lot at swap meets .... and that picture with the ariel square 4 reminded me that a friend in my country found a Matchless Silverhawk V4 engine .. quite complete ....
    if You think you need it I will give You privat his contacts ...

    first time i saw that engine i thought about a racer ...

  3. AnonymousなJam'zさん: ロンだよね、やっぱり!え、私が凄いの?レース出てもないのにアミノ酸飲んでたから?

  4. Bastybikes: ah, we weren't searching for anything, just browsing... wow,Matchless Silverhawk V4 engine? that is one beautiful engine but we're not searching for one at this moment. wish we could get it, though.

  5. Browsing is good , i have sometimes learned things by seeing things at swap meets :)keep on the good work !

