Tuesday, August 30, 2011

a drunken oblivion...

 at buddha's favorite in newport beach

ニューポート・ビーチのbuddha's favorite

went there to meet Mr. Tsukigi of tsukigi racing again. he was in the states for a few days and he brought us this super tasty "satsuma imo shouchu" (distilled spirits made with sweet potatoes) with Kawasaki W label. with great people, delish food and shouchu we had too much and had to sleep in the car for a couple hours before we drove back...happy happy times :) oh, by the way, shouchu very rarely causes hangovers.



  1. distilled spirits from sweet potatoes sounds delicious. i started laughing because you guys had to sleep it off in the car. i havent had that happened in ages oh but what fun im sure you all had!! the restaurant looks delicious if only i was motivated to drive to newport beach,if only:)

  2. shellie: as adults, we're sooo embarrassed :)
