Saturday, September 3, 2011

the record holder did beat his own record!

M-san of MARUMASU and M-kun of CHARGE motorcycles stopped by on the way back from the BUB. Marumasu, on the right in this picture, got AMA record last year with his 1989 Harley Davidson FXLR but this year he broke the records in both AMA and FIM. M-kun, in the middle in this picture, is a great mechanic and has his own shop but came to support M-san.

BUB帰りのレコード・ブレーカー、マルマス モーターサイクルラウンジのM氏とサポート・クルーのCHARGE motorcycleのI氏が、チャボに寄ってくださいました!おめでとうございます、そしておつかれさまです!!去年ご自身で出しているレコードを破りまくり、で2冠制覇でございます。カッコイイ!
and this is the record braker!


 this was one of the great factors to go almost 10/mph faster than last year. 156.19/mph!



  1. Kazutoshi Mizutaniさま: looking forward to meeting you and your machine again next year!! bravo, marumasu!!
