Saturday, December 31, 2011

zap teshima photo book...

 yes, finally it's done! we'd been planning to self publish uncompromising Zap's photo book for about 4 years or more.

構想4年以上、妥協せずに思う存分目一杯 ”Zap Teshima” な写真集を作りたいという思いがやっと形に・・・

shinya has always loved the bold composition and balance find in ukiyoe. when he was still in japan, he tried to take photos of motorcycles he built with clear implications for the composition in ukiyoe but "never had success," he said.

when shinya first saw some photographs taken by Zap 7,8 years ago in japan, he said it blew his mind. the dynamic composition, the balance as a whole, the color, the silence yet you can feel a bounding pulse from Zap's was sensation, shinya recalls. he could meet Zap but hadn't ask him to take photos of his motorcycles or anything. instead, shinya told Zap how much he loved and enjoyed his photos and just secretly aspired to get him to take one of shinya's motorcycles one day.



when i first saw Zap's photographs, i felt quietness. at the same time, i could hear the sound of a hot rod engine or a wind and then a story or a poetry or even melodies in a minor key pops up in my mind just like watching movies. i could appreciate my own imaginations on and on through his photos. it's not at all aggressive but i could still feel Zap's sharpness in his soft photos. or i should say his passion(zap!)instead of using the word sharpness...

私が初めてZap氏の写真を見た時に感じたのは、静寂。ところが不思議なことに、しーんとした中にホットロッドのエンジンの音や風の音が、ストーリーや詩となって聞こえてくる。マイナーコードのメロディーさえもどこかで鳴っている。まるで映画を観ているような気持ちになれる。 写真を見ている間中ずっと、自分の想像力がmaxに働いて、写真に切り取られた一瞬の前後の情景までもが浮かんでしまう感覚。写真は穏やかでひとつも攻撃的じゃないけれど、どこかにZap氏の鋭さや情熱、それこそZAPを感じる。

anyway, shinya reunited with Zap when he relocated to california in 2006. Zap started to stop by our workshop on a whim sometimes with his camera sometimes without. one time he asked us out to go to see the land speed race at the dry lake in el mirage. we took the needle (was the only bike we had at that time) to just to try ride around on the lake bed. while shinya was having fun on the needle zap was shooting photos of shinya on needle. we spent whole day and a night in nature with countless speed junkies. about a week later, zap came back with bunches of breathtaking photos he took in el mirage. i think, without a word, it was the beginning of our long journey together.


ever since that day, Zap, shinya and i have started going somewhere new and taking photos every time when a new bike is done. we didn't even think about making a photo book back then but we somehow felt an urge to do the shooting. 

after a while, we realized we had quite a lot of photographs and Zap made them into a book to make us easier to go through them. we loved the idea and then started thinking about self publish them. 

at end of each year, we had a secret meeting and said "we take some more photos early next year and make a photo book by the end of the next year." for two years. it sounded like a cantrip in the third year. and last year we finally decided to stop adding to the sample book and just make it come true. finding a great printer was a trouble but by the help of our friend, we found a reliable printer specialized in black and white in japan. it was right after we found the printer, the disaster hit japan. we did a lot of thinking and our decision was... go for it. we never know what's gonna happen to us tomorrow so we better stop deferring action. i personally felt a powerful urge to give a shape to these metal genius and visual art genius' work in one.




"i think an unmoving motorcycle has only half as much appeal as the one on the road.  but i'm lucky that Zap had captured the moving moments of my motorcycles in his photos and it would be my honor if you, too, could feel the other half, the true characters of the motorcycles i built through his photographs." shinya said.

unlike the other one, there is no word in this book. no spec nor explanations. only photographs. we only made a limited quantity. please check our website for details if you're interested. chabott merch it will be available online in jan 2012. i'll post the exact date here soon. please contact us at if you have any questions.

thank you for your support and have a very great year 2012, everyone!

日本では少数ですがJam'z Garageでのみ取り扱い中。ご興味があれば のinfoよりお問い合わせてみてください。



  1. That is some of the best news I've heard in a long time!
    Zap has the magic eye.
    His many hand-bound books show his dedication,
    and this is a deserving evolution.
    Thanks guys for making it a much wanted reality!

  2. 大将、


  3. Zap's photography + Shinya's motorcycles = Win Win at ANY price

    I'm all in ..... and cannot wait !

  4. Travis Perich: "a deserving evolution" indeed ring true.

    けん2: 明けましておめでとう!今年もよろしくね。

    GuitarSlinger: thank you!

  5. ayu, please can you keep one copy for me. i cant wait.

  6. matt machine: of course! i can't wait to send you one :)

  7. Wow. Very exciting! What a great way to start the New Year. Please add me to the list!

  8. It arrived today. Now I have to find a way to display all the great pictures without cutting them all out and getting them framed.
