Thursday, January 12, 2012

an auction debutant...

so, shinya gave a quick research on 1915 indian parts and motors before we left our workshop and the estimate prices on what we wanted in the auction catalog were quite decent. plus, we thought not so many people were seeking for a spare 1915 indian motor or parts. wishful thinking, right? but anyway, shinya decided to give it a try and bit on them. i forgot to bring my camera so those pix were taken by my cell phone camera...


 before shinya bid on the things he really wanted, he said he needed to practice. he found a couple of photographs that he once tried to purchase at the art show but couldn't make his mind and missed the opportunity. so, since the estimated price were super reasonable, he decided to bit on those photographs.


timidly shinya raised his number card. there was another woman who raised her hand after him but shinya called and raised 10. he usually ask for 10-dollar discount at swap meets so this was very brave of him. he won both. they were in the estimated price range, 1/3 of the price he expected. ok, that was easy!


now memorabilia section was done and the auction was getting into the vintage indian parts...but the situation had taken a dark side. contrary to our naive expectations, many people were interested in old indain parts :)  when we saw just a timing cover alone went more than shinya's budget for the whole engine, shinya was already surrendered. i said to him "aren't those people seeking for some parts already got their motors? so maybe they're not interested in the motor itself?" "well, i've already got a good motor but seeking for another one, don't you see?" shinya we kinda gave up and just enjoyed the show. these two 1915 indian motors that shinya wanted, the prices didn't go so crazy and if you really wanted it, you'd be happy with it. we weren't so serious and our budget was incredibly low. that's all. time to go back to the swap meets :)


so, shinya came here for the spare indian motor and some parts, ended up with two great photographs which is great. we reunited with many cannonballers and good friends. that's the great part.


the back shot tells all...hehe



  1. I can't ever do auctions.
    There's always someone there with more money and a greater desire to spend it than me. Swap meets are better for you Shinya!
