Saturday, January 14, 2012

finally have the moment...


  1. Wow, that sounds beautiful Shinya! Like the purr of a great mighty panther :)

  2. Weeeeeeee !!!

    And with GuitarSlinger's CD as accompaniment !

    Thanks you two !!!

  3. Was going to ask who the music was by, but now I know.
    I love your studio/shop space. Takes me back to being a kid, living in Japan, and wandering around my uncle's body shop after hours. I loved looking at all the welding equipment and other shop tools,dreaming about someday growing up and being able to use that kind of stuff. Bike sounds good.

  4. 大袈裟じゃ無く、泣けてきた。


  5. Inspiring... I can't wait for Spring to light up my custom for the first time. Thanks for posting updates, you guys. My favorite blog.

  6. Speed Shop Design: thanks! your ducati looks great!

    Plan B Motorcycles: thank you!

    GuitarSlinger: we happened to be listening to your CD! thanks!

    Hairy Larry: thank you!!

    Ayasha Kieth: thank you!

    mach712R: そんな風に言っていただけて光栄です。ありがとうございます!

    Tom: thank you for your comment! i know how exciting it is to light up your bike for the first time! and it's your first custom, too! good luck!
