Friday, February 10, 2012

shinya became cinderella...

taking 3 motorcycles to the event called "inspiration", the 3rd annual vintage clothing & americana fashion gathering organized by Rin Tanaka, at queen mary in long beach. i know, i know. it sounds funny because we're so off the fashion map...but anyway we headed to the queen mary. the 3 bikes didn't fit in our van so we had to rent a small truck :)


very generous Dehen from portland, oregon who has been making motor clothes and race wear for 92 years, led us display our 1915 indian, spike and amber trophy at their booth. thanks to mr. Sunny Okamoto of cycleman, who promotes Dehen and Wesco shoe company in japan, arranged everything for us. last year, he had offered shinya and niimie the pairs of custom made riding boots for the next cannonball race if there was any. how lucky! there is another cannonball! shinya and niimie took their foot pattern at Sunny's shop in tokyo last december.

サイクルマンのサニー・岡本氏の計らいで、オレゴン州ポートランド発、創業1920年、レースウェアやモータークローズなどを作り続けて92年のDehenのブースに、1915年のインディアンとスパイク、そしてアンバー・トロフィーを置かせてもらえることに。サニー氏は日本でDehen japanWesco japanとして、両社の歴史ある手作りのウェアやシューズをプロモートし、本物の素晴らしさを忠実に伝えていらっしゃいます。実は去年、木村氏とN美氏に、もし再びキャノンボールに出るのであれば、是非レース用のブーツをwescoで作って応援したい、とオファーをくださいました。まさかそんなに良い話が実現するはずなどない、とすっかり忘れていましたところ、サニー氏からそろそろ足型を取らないと間に合いません、とご連絡があり、木村氏が昨年末に帰国中にN美氏と共に足型を取って頂きました。

and this is shinya's cannonball all handmade wesco boots! brilliant! shinya found out that his right foot is way bigger than his left, etc. haha


Sunny showed shinya how to wear them :) 


looks great on him! happy happy shinya! thank you Sunny and team Wesco!


the 8 years old R, who wrote a letter to shinya when he was in yokohama last december, gave a handmade guardian charm this time with a message said "please open this little pouch when you are in trouble and think you can't go on any longer." so cute. thank you R! we hope we don't have to open that pouch during the race...


shinya put it on the indian hoping he'll never has to open this charm.


met Sunny's junior fellow, Rio Hidaka, a heavyweight boxer, a champion boxer in western japan division. he's now training in los angeles. we look forward to the day when he becomes the world champion and we're sure it's not far off.

世界に最も近い男、ヘビー級西日本新人王のRio Hidaka。現在LAでトレーニング中。応援してます!にしても、この二人テンション低すぎやしないか?

found them on the boat...


tonight was a preview night and many people stopped by and said hello to us. this gentleman said he had no idea that shinya's bikes were here and was really surprised. he said he checks our blog everyday :)


we were bit exhausted but in a good way.



  1. love the handmade wesco boots. they go great with shinya and the indian.

    speaking of boots though, what are those black pair that shinya is wearing in the these pictures? looking to get something similar to replace my current pair.


  2. b: the pair that shinya was wearing is used boots from unknown brand found at a thrift store... ;)

  3. Wesco's are great boots. Wife and I have been wearing ours for about 15 years now. They don't wear out!

  4. ayu: haha, thanks! i'll keep my eyes open for something similar

  5. pete@occhiolungo: yes! you can wear them forever :)

    b: good luck ;D
