Thursday, March 15, 2012

if he doesn't like it...

he'll forget about it and just do it over. it's that simple. how many hours did he spend on it? it really doesn't mean much to him.

「作ったものがどうもしっくりこないのであれば、また新たに作ればよい。ただそれだけ。どれだけ時間を掛けたかなんて些細でどうでもいいこと。」 -木村氏談 そうか、考えてみればスポーツ選手だってそうだよね。何千時間練習したからといって、その試合で結果が出せなければ勝利はない。「オレがやってることなんて、勝ち負けがないんだから、いいよ~」 と木村氏・・・でも、自分との戦いだよなあ。


  1. I salute you for that attitude! You don't get annoyed how much time you used for your work, if you don't get the desired results, you're willing to start anew. :D

    Fender Flares | Bestops | It's All About Car

  2. the liquor store: yay!

    Bushwacker: totally true!
