Thursday, April 5, 2012

the electric superbike mission R...

we had an opportunity to witness Miguel Galluzzi, who created the ducati monster, test ride the electric superbike called Mission R created by Mission Motors.

ドカのモンスターの生みの親、ミゲル・ガルーチ氏が、Mission Motorsという若い会社が作ったエレクトリック・スーパーバイク(いわゆる電気オートバイ)Mission Rなるものをテストライドするというので、なぜか集合場所がチャボになり一緒にアズサ山へ向かうことに。

at the very beginning, those motorcycle enthusiasts were keeping just a little bit of distance from the unidentified vehicle though it looked very stylish, you really can't tell if it was an electric motorbike by first glance especially if you didn't know. thank god the industrial design was penned by Tim Prentice of Motonium, the second guy from the right in the picture. so it looked great, now how's the performance? everyone was drooling :) we heard that this actual motorcycle won the 2011 FIM/TTXGP US grand prix at laguna seca, the 8-lap race, finishing about 40 seconds ahead of the second-placed e-motorcycle.

ガルーチ氏も木村氏も子供の頃からオートバイが大好きで、大人になっても情熱が薄れるどころか病的なまでに愛して止まないバイク馬鹿。この未確認の乗り物に 興味はあるものの、少し距離を置いて遠巻きに見ている感じが面白い。でもこのMission R, パッと見ただけでは電気バイクだなんて分からない、スタイリッシュなデザイン。よーく見るとマフラーがないので違和感があるものの、電気自動車が最初に出た頃の不恰好な感じとは随分対照的だと感じた。写真右から2番目に写っているTim Prentice氏が外装デザインを手がけた方。ということで、外見はバイクらしさ満々、しかし一体乗った感じはどうなのか、皆早く知りたくて仕方がない。聞くところによるとこのバイク、去年ラグナ・セカで電気パワーバイクUSグランプリ優勝を果たしているそう。しかも2位と40秒差で。430パウンドと車重は重いけど速そう。ちなみに最高速は170マイル以上らしい・・・

 the designer Tim went first.


can you hear the sound? shinya and i were riding the SR in front of the Mission R, followed by 2 ducatis but i could still hear the air tool kinda sound from the behind when it was running. but when it was not moving, i could hear nothing.

この動画にウィーーンという音が少しだけ入っている。木村氏と私はSRで前をリードして走っていて、すぐ後ろをMission Rがそしてその後ろにドカが2台。それでも後ろからエアーツールのようなウィーンという音が走行中にかすかに聞こえてきた。でも、停まっている時はほとんど何も聞こえない。市販する場合は何かしらの配慮が必要だと思う。

 and then Miguel Galluzzi's turn.


after they came back from the ride, it was no longer an unidentified vehicle and seemed like Miguel felt more confident about what he just had experienced with the Mission R :)

乗った後はさっきの遠巻きな感じも薄れ、興奮気味の一座は一気にMission Rに親しみと信頼を寄せ、場は一層和やかな雰囲気に包まれる。

the team Mission Motors and the designer Tim were nice enough to let shinya try the Mission R a little bit. it was a great opportunity for him for sure. he always wanted to feel it first before making comments on all the e-powered motorcycles because his love of petrol engine is absolute and his opinion could be pretty biased :) let's see what he has to say.
何とここでチームMissionの皆さんとデザイナーのティム氏が、木村氏にも試乗させてくれるというサプライズが浮上。 常々木村氏は今後増えていくであろう電気オートバイについて、頭ごなしに否定的になるのではなく、まずは実際に自分で感じてから・・・と思っていたそうです。やっぱりどうしてもガソリン爆発エンジンに肩入れしたくなっちゃいますものね、絶対的に好きなんですから。でも、乗り物好きならチャンスがあれば何でも乗ってみなくてはいけません。嬉しそう。
 OMG! it's on already. no roar sounds, no rev up!
shinya said it was a bit weird at the beginning but when it caught the speed and felt the wind, he could get the "motorcycle feeling" right away. he thought the engine brake was too much but maybe he'll get used to it if he rides more. overall, he enjoyed and liked it very much. he was very impressed that the electric motorcycle could give people some feelings, very similar to the feelings that regular motorcycles could give us. he said he was lucky to live in the era that he could enjoy and experience both gasoline engine vehicles and e-powered motor vehicles. for the next generation, their first motorcycle experience may begin with the e-powered one and they will think this is the motorcycle...shinya admits the e-power has so much possibilities and potential and because he had a chance to ride this well build Mission R today, he appreciates more of the power of the gasoline engine also.

 gasoline powered monster S4RS and e-powered Mission R
thank you team Mission Motors and Tim for the great opportunity.


  1. Very interesting and informative post on the Mission R E-bike. I've been thinking of trying a test ride on a Zero E-bike in the bay area. The range has been going up and prices coming down...making ownership of one seem more of a possibility someday.

  2. Hairy Larry: let us know your impression if you ever try a Zero e-bike!
