this is our friend surfer/photographer/writer/creator Naki's photo book of north hawaii. now Naki is working on his new photo book and came to our workshop today to take some photos of the blue-one. shinya was chatting with Naki where to shoot and how to shoot et cetera but then all of a sudden shinya started to use his plasma cutter, sander, making noises and looked like he went back to work which made us all confused...
こちらは我らがFナキ氏のステキ写真集のうちの一冊。以前にも何度かご登場いただいているFナキ氏はサーファーでありフォトグラファーであり物書きでもあり何かを常に生み出している自由人。naki blog 今回新しい写真集の制作に取り掛かっているFナキ氏がblue-oneの写真を撮りに美味しい・楽しいお土産をいーーーっぱい持ってお友達と一緒にチャボに遊びに来てくださいました。それで、どこでどんな風に写真を撮ろうか・・・などとおしゃべりをしている最中に突然、本当に突然、プラズマカッターやらサンダーを使い出す木村氏・・・え?急に仕事始めちゃうの?いま写真撮るって話してたのに?一同唖然。何となく作業の邪魔をしないよう、皆チャボ内で散らばり始める。でも、プラズマカッターってのが怪しい。近づいてみるとやっぱり!で、「ちょっと惹きつけて時間稼いどいて」と言われる。そ、そんな・・・とりあえず「何かスイッチが入っちゃったみたいで・・・」と説明すると、自身も集中して物を書いたり作ったりするFナキ氏は理解を示してくださったものの、完全に困惑顔。でも何だか手こずっている木村氏・・・早くぅ。
what was shinya doing? a sudden thought came into shinya's head, he said...and he wanted make a special name plate on one of his toolboxes and gave it to Naki. ah!
Naki was very surprised, happy and said he'll travel with this. a metal detectors at the gate will go crazy, i guess :D
ok, now, naki's photoshoot. we stopped at the spot here and there in azusa and naki took some photos. since he has been capturing the moment, shooting waves, surfers surfing, nature, he's fast at work. he said usually there is no "one more chance" so if he misses the moment, he misses it and that's it. treasure every encounter, for it will never recur.
of course we ended up in canyon...
naki started to paddle on the ground.
naki's fiancee A joined him :) even they're in the mountains they show their love of surfing.
naki said "i'm off!"
"no, i wanna surf more!" A cries. shinya passing by without no regard for their feelings. :P
Aイリちゃん「あ!轢かれましたぁ!」 Fナキ氏「ぐぉぉぉ俺が轢かれたかったのにぃぃぃ!291」 そして知らんぷりで走り去るKムラ氏。ドラマティィィック!
it's time to go back!
this shot looks like it was taken at the winner's circle or something. Naki was somehow holding a bottle of sparkling wine. congrats, Naki :)
Hmmmmmm, have heard of "land sharks" I guess a person can "land surf"...
ReplyDeleteHairy Larry: hehehe :P