Monday, June 25, 2012

heart and soul...

we got the "chabot college" t-shirts sent directly from chabot college bookstore. shinya thought i ordered them and i thought shinya ordered them...


then we found out that they were from our longtime friend J in vegas!! thank you, J! 

we also received t-shirts from IS-san who's a painter specialized in japanese painting and also a designer in japan. thank you very much.


the last day for the sunshine in venice beach... we picked it up from B and B and took it back to azusa. ☮

we also received the special t-shirts created by hand, one at a time by artist Amy Glenn from B and B. thank you Amy, B and B!

さらに本日3度目のサプライズ、BとBがAmy GlennというアーティストがヴィンテージのTシャツを一枚一枚染めて手で描いている、世界に一枚の素敵なTシャツを頼んで作ってくれていた。Amyもこの間チャボに遊びに来てくれて、何でも手で作るということの大切さなどの話で盛り上がったのですが、サプライズ続きの一日に驚きそして感激。皆ありがとう!

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