Monday, July 16, 2012

the fastest amateur road racers from japan are challenging the land speed record...

this is a picture from last september. it was their first time racing their kawasaki Z998 on the dry lake. the rider is S-san of rods design in chiba, he is one of the top ranking amateur road racers in japan. the motor was built by I-san of blue thunders, specialist of kawasaki air-cooled engine in tokyo. other guys are also top ranking amateur road racers of pre-80s motorcycles and some are idols among kawasaki riders in japan. they have many different records and won in the major races not only in japan but also some races in daytona. they all came to support S-san. they did 157.509 mph last september and they said it was far off from the class record and wanted to try again. and they did come back on the dry lake yesterday. they got 172.183mph this time, the class record is just around the corner! they will come back again this year or maybe next but will continue to race on the dry lake. they are true speed-addicted kawasaki/motorcycle enthusiasts!

この写真はエルミラージでずっと写真を撮り続けているフォトグラファー、ビル・トレビノ氏が去年の9月に撮ったものです。写っているライダーは日本からカワサキZ998で最高速にチャレンジしに来たSエキ氏(rods design,千葉)と、応援にいらっしゃった仲間の皆さんです。Sエキ氏をはじめ皆さん日本でトップランクのアマチュア・ロードレーサーで、数々のレコードやレースでの優勝経験を持っておられるそうです。ドーバー・モンスター(82年までに生産の空冷4気筒クラス)やZERO-1(80年までに一般生産されたオンロード型バイクのクラス)などで日本のロードレースを盛り上げていらっしゃる立役者でもあります。日本だけでなく、デイトナなどでもクラス優勝なさっていて、カワサキ乗りの間ではヒーローと言われている方々なのです。マシンはカワサキ空冷エンジンのスペシャリストblue thundersのIワノ氏によって仕上げられています。この写真の時が初参戦、157.509マイルで我々からすると天文学的数字ですが、皆さんはまだまだカワサキの本気はこれから、と次回また戻ってくると言って帰国されました。そして昨日、日曜のエルミラージで再会!しかも今回は172.183マイル、もうクラス・レコードに目と鼻の先まで迫ってきました!これからも続けてチャレンジされるそうです。チヤホヤ世間で取り沙汰されなくても、こうして本気で本場の最高速にチャレンジし、本気だけどエルミラージのこの独特な空気を楽しんでいらっしゃる皆さんの姿はとても刺激になりますし、記録がどんどん伸びていくのが我々も楽しみです!お会いできて良かった!

at tsukuba raceway D.O.B.A.R. final


today, they all stopped by our workshop :)


and of course we took them to the canyon. we didn't have enough motorcycles for all of them to ride but they took turns and others followed by their van.


A-san, dytona class winner, on left and S-san on right.


i'm not familiar with it but the positioning is very important for racing and everyday life, right?


"it's my hearly" shot.


he's also a really fast racer, posing like a model from 80s :)


we thought this helmet was the largest we've got.


there were more people. i could only capture half of them on my camera.


my SR...


consequence of being so fast. nah, just kidding. we had to stop because some wild animals were seen and animal control was there searching.


thank you guys for coming and see you all on the dry lake again soon!


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