Thursday, August 16, 2012

guradian angel...

we stayed at the cali-nev border last night because we were exhausted. so, it was just 200 more miles from there to azusa and our new van got a huge gas tank so there was no need for a pit stop. we just needed to go straight to our workshop, that was the plan. however, the desert heatwave made us demand for some fresh cold drinks and finally we got off the freeway in victorville, just 50 miles away from azusa.


came out from a well air-conditioned store with full of cold drink in our stomachs but the van wouldn't start. shinya checked the water but water level was ok (because he fixed it on the salt flats :D). "well, the van need to rest a bit more because it was running gradual uphill in the triple digit temp." we said to each other and decided to grab some tacos.


we came back and tried to turn on the engine but no. this was improbable sight, yes, shinya was opening up the engine room of our new van!



shinya figured it was the fuel pump.(sounds very familiar. deja vu?) luckily we saw a parts store in walking distance so we walked and got a new fuel pump.

木村氏の診断が下りました、フューエル・ポンプじゃないかと。(あれ?塩の上でもスパイクがフューエル・ポンプに泣かされていたような・・・デジャブ?)ふと見れば歩いて行ける距離のところにオートパーツ屋が見えましたので、そりゃ歩きましたとも。話は変わりますが、今日の木村氏のライン、何だかフェミニンじゃありませんか?思いのほか塩湖に長居をしてしまったため着替えが尽きてしまい、わたくしのお気に入りnaki T ガールズ・サイズを着てらっしゃるからかしら?
anytime anywhere autozone!


hm-hum, need to take down the gas tank in order to replace the fuel mean our half full tank?


shinya thought it was a fuel pump but there was a possibility that it might be the wire so before taking the gas tank down, he wanted to make sure.


shinya already had been working for hours in the heatwave, i thought he did enough. in fact, taking out the half full gas tank by himself with my little help in the parking lot? it wouldn't be worth it. i told him to call AAA. "maybe you're right. i jsut don't wanna give up. well, i'll try little bit more but let's get inside the store and get some cold drink for now." shinya said.

as soon as we went in, an older gentleman asked if we spoke japanese in janapnese. we said yes and he said he had been watching us for a while and he thought he could help. he was 80 years old korean american spoke a little bit of japanese, chinise, malay, and of course korean and english and had 50 years experience specialized in automotive diagnostic. shinya showed the problem and the gentleman asked what shinya thought. shinya told him that he thought the fuel pump and he already got a new one. "sounds good. let's do it!" the gentleman said.

入った途端「ニホンゴ ハナシマスカ?」とおじいさんが話しかけてきました。「話しますよ」と答えると、「ずっとここからあなた達を見てましたよ、きっと私が助けてあげられます、もう心配いらないです」と、仰るのです。聞けば80歳の韓国系アメリカ人だそうで、自動車などの診断を専門に50年の経験があるそうなんです。少しの日本語、マレー語、中国語、韓国語と英語の五か国語を操るそうです。さて、キーを回してエンジンが掛からない症状を伝えると、君はどう思うんだい?とおじいさんが聞きました。「僕はフューエル・ポンプだと思います、新しいのをもう買ってありますけど、燃料タンクを外さなくてはいけないので・・・」と木村氏が答えると、「私もそう思いますよ、さあ、やりましょう。」とテキパキと動き出しました。とても80歳とは思えない瞬発力です。

the gentleman said "more, more, little bit more!" to shinya but shinya in a weird body positioning was whispering me "i can't move, may arm got stuck!" they finally could get the gas tank down and replaced the fuel pump.


they replaced the fuel pump then put the gas tank back on, turned on the engine and voila! they got it! thank you Mr. B! now we could go back to our place by our van. there were no race/age/gender, boundaries, so many people gave a helping hand to us during this trip. we really want to pass it on.



  1. write the best stories... are one hard core man.....thats why people lend their hand.

  2. Such a cool story, Ayu! Thank you for sharing and reminding me there are good people out there.

  3. What goes round comes round, good to see it in action. The tools I carry usually end up helping someone else. It's always so cool to meet older people who are still active and willing to share knowledge.

  4. Fuel pumps located inside the tank always go out at the most inconvenient time! Also it seems the in-tank units are more suspectible to heat.
    I would like to add that the universe returns to us the same frequencies and vibrations that we ourselves transmit.
    Both of you were working hard, striving to overcome difficulties; while at the same time being patient and persistent.
    It appears these are the very same qualities returned to you in your time of need.
    Thank you very much for sharing this experience.

  5. What they say is true, old guys rule.

  6. Awesome. Just awesome.

    Cheers and beers

  7. Maybe you guys should bring him on the cannonball run?

  8. Sometimes the fuel filter on the end of the pump breaks down and gets sucked up into the pump, that happened to my 93 when I first got her.

  9. There are angels everywhere!

    Is it really almost Cannonball time again?
