Sunday, September 9, 2012

repairing, that's what they're pretty good at...

so, shinya and niimie decided to weld the broken/weaken valve guide and seat of the intake. shinya was talking to some local people, joked that if they had TIG welder. then one guy took it seriously and said "no, i don't," and left. a few minutes later, he brouhgt some of his friends who has motorcycle shop about 10 minutes from Hearly-Davidson musium (we were at the parking lot) and said they would let us use their shop.

ということで、絶対明日も走りたいチーム#80、木村氏とN美氏の出したファイナル・アンサーは、バラバラになってしまったインテーク バルブのガイドとシートを溶接する、でした。それで木村氏は冗談半分に集まってきた地元の人達に溶接機持ってる?と聞き始め・・・ひとりの人が「僕は持っていないけど・・・」と立ち去り、すぐに近所でモーターサイクル・ショップをやっている友達を連れてきてくれたのです。

they took us to their shop right away and offered us to use all their tools and machines. the shop was located in an old building and had very cool setting.  we found out that he works with shinya's friend Dave Cook! small world, isn't it?

速攻でショップへ案内してくれ、機械でもツールでも何でも好きに使ってくれと言ってくれました。そこは見知らぬミルウォーキーの街中の旧い建物の一角で、とっても素敵な空間。しかも、話を聞けば木村氏の知り合いのビルダー、Dave Cookのショップだったのです!世界は狭い!本人は最近始めたバーの方が忙しいらしくて不在でしたけど。

thank you, W of Jr's cycle products and K and all the friends and people we met at the parking lot and at W's shop. you guys saved our cannonball lives and our indian. we were so lucky to meet wonderful people there. shinya and niimie could do whatever they wanted to do with all the hands, tools, welder and lathe, now we have a HOPE. 

Jr's cycle productsのWと友達のK、それからWのショップやハーレー博物館の駐車場で出会ったミルウォーキーのみなさま、本当ににありがとうございました。お陰で諦めずに思い通りの修理が出来て、もしかしたらもしかして明日への希望が見えてきたかも!

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