Saturday, September 8, 2012

stage 2 completed...

when shinya, i and the van got to the finishing point, the main belt of the van came off. when shinya was under the van in front of the auto parts store in sandusky, ohio, we got a call from niimie that the interstate 90 was closed down just before the downtown cleveland and he didn't know what to do. he missed the sign that said all the cannonball riders must detour and take highway 2 west instead. he said he will try to find the way and come back. it was around 4pm so he had a plenty of time to check in at the finishing line before 6:15 pm if he could find the way to get on the highway 2.


5 more minutes til 6:15pm... but time is not that important as long as niimie is OK and comes back.


and he arrived just one minutes before 6:15pm. he rode all the way from wellsboro, pennsylvania to sandusky, ohio, 340 miles, in the rain storm and on the urban freeway on the 1915 indian. that is beyond amazing that i can't find a word to describe. we were so happy to see niimie and the indian back safely.

あと1分、というところで来たぁぁぁぁ!!! N美氏ペンシルベニア州からオハイオ州までの544km、途中暴風雨に見舞われ、高速道路封鎖というアクシデントも乗り越え、まさかの完走です。しかも、規定時間1分前に!もう無事に戻って来てくれただけで嬉しいのに!言葉にならないです、本当に。完走おめでとう! こうなってくると明日の木村氏へのプレッシャーが半端ないけど!ていうか、今回のキャノンボール、完璧に10年代のオートバイのことは考慮に入ってないと思う。設定が10年代には過酷すぎる、高速道路100キロ走るとか・・・のんびり屋なんですよ、うちのインディアン。


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You guys and your 1915 indian are AWESOME!!
    Very well done.

  3. Keep it up Chabott!! We are pulling for you

  4. 1分前(・◇・)/~~~神様が味方してくれましたね( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

  5. You're the man of the hour Nimmie!
