Saturday, November 17, 2012

and why, in short, the arrow on a compass always points north...

seems like the new project kicked into gear...



  1. okaaaayyyyy! A BMW.
    I was wondering these days whether it would be something in that direction?
    Sooo a whole new chapter opens up. I do not know about any of Shinya's pieces made out of a BMW. When I have some time tonight I will check on your section..cant seem to remember a beemer in the gallery..
    Is it the sunshine bike?
    Good luck for this adventure in process!

  2. movementpractice: thank you! this will be his first time using bmw as a donor bike though he had restored many vintage bmws before.

    Plan B Motorcycles: we're very excited!

  3. good choice.......cant wait to see this one you guys.
