Friday, June 28, 2013

everybody is heading west 3...

or south. these guys are from northern california so they just came DOWN for the bf5. our hero and fellow cannonballer, master motorcycle mechanic/restorer DK of Iron Dinosaur and our role model, RO a.k.a. Dr.Sprocket of antique motorcycle club of america, building and riding choppers, bobbers, etc. since 1960s, stopped by!! what an honor!

引き続きボンフリを目指して多くの人が西に集結中。と言っても、彼らは北カリフォルニアからなので南下してきた組。我らがヒーロー、1回目、2回目のキャノンボーラーでもあり、アンティーク・オートバイのマスター・メカニック/レストアラー、iron dinosaurのDKと、アンティーク・モーターサイクル・オブ・アメリカの取締役、60年代からチョッパーやボバーを作り、乗り続けているドクター・スプロケットことROが寄ってくれた。二人とも尊敬する大先輩ではありますが、取りあえずふざけてばかりで騒がしいのであります。いつまでもいつまでも好きなことをやり続けているオトナ逹はいつまでもいつまでも少年のままなのです。このティーンエイジャー丸出し感といったら!

shinya showing them our legendary 1915 indian motor. it amaze and makes everybody laugh :D


then shinya showed our "spare" 1915 indian motor. DK and RO are experts so they know everything and they said it looked great so it must be a good motor.


laughing at the spike's jockey shift :D "hey, you're racing this bike and it got a jockey shift?"


Dr.Sprocket made this marvelous trophy for the bf5 "best traditional modified mc" award. his fabricating skills, unique ideas, knowledge + his sensitive side altogether is represented in this "miniature workshop" trophy. very excited to see who he's gonna chose in that category!


 DK checking the knuckle frame :)


 Dr.Sprocket's knuckle

DK's 1925 JD cannonball finisher!

DK and Dr.Sprocket and people around them are all well experienced and knowledgeable especially in vintage motorcycles. we gain a lot just be with them, chatting and hearing their stories. we are very lucky to get to know them.  



later in the afternoon, took the spike out for a little photo shoot.


1 comment:

  1. The Antique Motorcycle Club of America (AMCA) was founded in 1954 in New England and is now one of the largest organizations of antique motorcycle enthusiasts in the world, with membership of over 11,000 in the United States, Canada and Europe.

    from Wikipedia 2013

    3 days to go, then the Bikers Classics in Spa Francorchamps start... looking forward to meet Wayne Gardner and other great riders.

    Greetings from Stuttgart, Germany

