Saturday, June 22, 2013

super moon...

came to see the exhibition "MOLD ALL" at dignified and tasteful yet pretty cozy space TORTOISE on abbot kinney.

とても落ち着く素敵な空間、アボット・キニ―のTORTOISEにて、"MOLD ALL"というエキシビションのオープニングを覗きに来た。

glassware maker Prepa in nagano x  interior select shop Playmountain in tokyo = collaborated and found PP Blower. they brought some of their beautiful work from japan. we found out that shinya knew the glass artist Hira of Prepa, they met several times when shinya lived in japan. same as the owner of the TORTOISE and TORTOISE GENERAL STORE, shinya and the owner S-san knew each other in japan, now they're both in the states but haven't reunited until last week through someone else.

長野の吹きガラス工房、スタジオPrepaの作品と、Prepaと東京のオリジナル家具やインテリアに関連した様々なアイテムを扱っているショップPlaymountainとのコラボレーション作品。しかも偶然PrepaのHラ氏が愛知県の安城のご出身で、木村氏が日本に居る頃に何度かお会いしているらしい。実はこの素敵なギャラリーTORTOISEと隣接しているTORTOISE GENERAL STOREのオーナーSノハラ氏とも日本でご縁があり、つい最近別の方を通してアメリカで再会することが出来たという、何だか人とのご縁やタイミングということの大切さを改めて感じている今日この頃。

these were made using molds derived from natural woods and then blown so you can see those natural patterns from woods. usually the woods that they use as a mold burn and disappear each time so all are different and unique.


 tools that they actually use.


PP Blower - MOLD ALL

june 22, 2013 - july 20, 2013

1208 1/2 abott kinney blvd.
venice, ca 90291

 bizarre animal on the wall...

super moon. 14% bigger and 30% brighter full moon than usual full moon.


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