Friday, July 19, 2013

day 1, the last ride...

for certain reason, shinya was asked to set his shoulder to the wheel for our friend and build one bike from scratch in 10 days. 10 days?! that's crazy, right? more importantly, it's impossible for him to stop whatever he's working on right now. we value our clients who are patiently waiting more than anything.


so shinya explained our friend that the only philosophy he has is to make something that unique to him with his soul, hold to uncompromising standards and that can not be done in 10 days. but our friend in full knowledge of that and still asking this. it's a huge favor and shinya wouldn't do something like this for money or fame but for a friend? eventually shinya was moved by what our friend was trying to do and his passion and ended up taking this crazy project. 10 days sounds crazy but to put it the other way around shinya can only spare 10 days because if he tries hard he can catch up on that 10 days and go back to things that he's doing right now. 

so, no canyon ride for shinya for the next 10 days or so. that means no canyon ride for all of us here. Wata, sin5 and i are going to support and cheer shinya up as much as we can to make it happen :)
