Thursday, October 17, 2013

2100cc motorcycle!!

our friend TP, a motorcycle designer, brought DA of Eccosse Moto Works who builds high performance street bikes and two of their new bikes. they have 2100cc and 1700cc engine. it's bigger than shinya's cortina!

知り合いのオートバイ・デザイナーTPがハイパフォーマンス・ストリート・バイクを手掛けているEccosse Moto WorksのDAと彼らの新作を持って遊びに来た。2100ccのエンジンと1700cc搭載。コルチナよりも大きいエンジン!

our friend TP said he's going to test ride these high performance Ecosse bikes at the canyon. what? did you say going to the canyon? shinya and i of course jumped on our 500cc old yamahas and escorted them :)


i was the sweeper of the group but hit a rock, the rock hit the chain really hard and it came off on the way to the canyon entrance.


it was nothing serious and could slip the chain back on but i didn't want to make them wait so i let them go ahead without me.


while i was waiting there, i was addressed by a couple of people "hey, i saw you riding in the canyon the other day. what happened today?"


back from the canyon. shinya tried to ride the 1700cc Ecosse just a little bit to feel the power.


 shinya looks like a timid beginner. hehehe


WOW!! he said.


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