Sunday, August 17, 2014

the way of hospitality...

continue from yesterday...


taking them to a canyon ride is the only way for us to entertain our special guests...


K rides panhead in japan that was designed by shinya and built by niimie when they worked at Okazaki Zero. A rides SR400 and S doesn't own any at the moment but has been a motorcyclist for years.


K is the owner of Toyooka and A and S work at Toyooka but we felt something different. it has turned out that they are all friends from childhood. that's why they're so mellow how nice!


they brought all the necessary equipment from japan to cook authentic japanese tempura for us. S used be a sushi chef at his dad's sushi restaurant so it must be good :)

was the best tempura ever! hurray, team Toyooka!



this is toady. and it was their last day already and they came back to our workshop. ah...that's not the one, guys! the indian is right behind you :D


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