Thursday, September 11, 2014

day 7 : afterward...



 repairing the thread of the head bolt using helicoil.


right next our open-air pit is mechanic Chris of Revival Cycles working on the 1933 brough superior in a winter cold weather in Kansas. his quiet dedication makes the brough keep brough on course. this whole experience will definitely enriches his skill and knowledge just like team 80. great guy.


done! because now they're so used to and know inside and out of this motor, it won't take much time to work on pretty much anything. being in the three cannonball races with the same motorcycle build a wealth of their knowledge of 1915 indian. even so, anything could happen during the race so we have to stay sharp. tomorrow is the rest day.

出来た!あれだけこのインディアンのエンジンを何度も開けて裏も表も知り尽くしている木村氏とN美氏、確実に作業が速くなっている。同じマシンでしつこく出場しているからこそ。(これしかないから仕方ないだけだけど) しかし何が起こるか分からないのがこのレース、油断できまぬ。きっと、ちょうど半分で気も体も朦朧とし始めていたのかも。明日は休息日。

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