Saturday, April 11, 2015

myth or reality?

look who's here! Matt Machine from Australia! we've been emailing and talking through internet for years but have never met in person. here's a box our another friend PY asked us to hand to Matt. PY has never met Matt in person either.

長年メールやネット上でやり取りをしていたけど一度も会ったことのないオーストラリアのマシーンことM がチャボにやって来た!実在するのかも定かではなかった人がチャボの二階に立っているという不思議。マシーンが来ると聞いて別の友人から言付かった本を渡す。その友人もマシーンに会ったことはないと言う。

so Scott(Pipeburn) and Ken(Stories of motorcycle)brought Matt here to finally meet us. marvelously we hit it off right away. felt like a neighbor just swung by. 

今回、同じくオーストラリアのS(pipeburn)とK(stories of motorcycle)が(彼らは以前からマシーンMと面識があった)連れて来てくれたのである。昔コルチーナを所有していたというマシーンM。ちっとも初めて会った気がしない。近所の友達がふらりと立ち寄ってくれたみたい。すぐに意気投合するマシーンMと木村氏。

Troy of chico moto, who's also a friend of Matt's of long standing but has never met in person until now, came along and we all went for a ride. epic. (i think Matt was talking about kangaroos here)


 Matt Machine really exists, everyone!


 Troy, Matt, Ken, and Scott.


 as a matter of fact, it was shinya's first time to test ride the "menudo" in the canyon. very special ride with special friends :)




1 comment:

  1. ....and what a fantastic meeting is was for all of us....thanks so much to you guys for your love..

    ill see you very soon again.......

