the ride day. Wheels and Waves provided us the three different routes 80/300/330km (50/185/205 mi)and we took 300km canyon route. seemed like a sunny day was waiting for us and we were too excited to ride in the French canyons.
本日はライド・デー。Wheels and Wavesは80キロ、300キロ、330キロの3つのルートを用意してくれていて、我々は300キロの山コースを行くことに。どうやら今日は雨は降らないようだし、おフランスの山を乗れるなんて大興奮。
however, when we saw all those motorcycles occupying the small town, we had a little concern. when we go for a ride we usually go by ourselves or with a small group of friends and not a big fan of massed ride or cruising-together-slowly ride.
one and only.
black jacket club
stopped at a cafe in Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port. despite our concerns about the massed-ride, congestion was just the starting area and afterwards it was just me and great scenery and the taillights of other high skilled riders ahead of me. what a bless! i wanted to ride forever...
we caught in the rain after this. we forgot to bring our rain gears so got completely drenched at one point but, whatever! when riding through the dynamic mountains, we felt the rain was something extremely minor. yep.
and back to Wheels & Waves village. with Jordi of AIQUZA, his BMW build and journalist Pilar both from Spain.
Wheels and Wavesのヴィレッジに戻って来た。カスタムに厳しいスペインで活躍しているJ氏とジャーナリストのP女史。このBMWはJ氏制作のもの。
shurunken shinya with journalist Jan Somertauer of MOTO house.
Next time, come to ride with us in secret places, to avoid crowd ;-)
ReplyDeleteVincent Prat: Definitely! Thank you for everything, Vincent!