Saturday, August 29, 2015

welcome the coming, speed the parting scoot...

head machining for a twin plug modification for spike continues. the air is sticky from the morning.


came back from our break and we saw our French friend who works around the corner waiting for us. we thought he was off today and he lives in a different town (he commute by his motorcycle) but he came to see us with his pick up truck. why? because he saw this Suzuki RL250 yesterday at our workshop and said he couldn't get it out of his mind. let me just try, he said :)


 he loves it! and sure he looks great on it :)


really? he was very persistent in his persuasion and shinya gave in! by the way, shinya told me he found this RL250 for me to ride on the trail. i haven't had a chance to try on the trail yet...


 our French friend said "you guys have like 50 bikes, i only have one. let me have another one. oh, wait, i have three bikes but still!" i guess it went to the right home after all. 


bye my suzuki. it was a really short period of time but i liked you! shinya will find another one for me soon :)


 back to head machining. in sweltering heat.


one down! we were planning to come out to the Perris speedway for the Hell on Wheels flat track race tonight if shinya could finish the modification on both heads. oh, well.

ひとつ出来あがり!もしもヘッド両方の加工が終わったらぺリスのスピードウェイでやってるHell on Wheelsのフラット・トラック・レースに行く予定だったんだけど・・・ま、いっか!

one more to go! 


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