Tuesday, October 27, 2015

stem from an encounter with the talented folks...

Jesse (YME chief mechanic), shinya, Jens(JvB Moto), Mr. Tamura(GK Design Europe), Christian (YME marketing), Mr. Yamamoto(YME R&D), Mr.Miyazawa(YME marketing), Ross(The Bike Shed)

perhaps this unique lineup of people would never meet all together again. some yes, but not all of them together.

欧州ヤマハのチーフ・メカニックJ氏、木村氏、JvB Motoのイェンス氏、GKデザインTムラ氏、欧州ヤマハ・マーケティング部のC氏、欧州ヤマハR&DのYマモト氏、欧州ヤマハ・マーケティング部のMヤザワ氏、ロンドンのバイク・シェドのR氏。この顔ぶれが再び全員揃うことはもう二度とないだろうな。珍しいメンバーでの集合写真。こういう集合写真撮る前とか後の緩い写真を撮るのが好き。

with other mechanics. these guys had been working so hard to prepare for this event and they would continue to work until the very last day. we appreciate their efforts.


having a chance to spend a whole week with those two guys was golden! we learned and shared a lot from/with them and somehow felt certain that we are on the right track.


 meeting Jens means a lot too.


shinya somehow felt that Mr.Yamamoto would never wants to sit on this bike, but he did! it was a very honorable thing and made shinya pretty happy :)


the "super 7" custom XSR700 by Jens of JvB moto from Germany.

ドイツのJvB motoのイェンス氏がカスタムしたXSR700スーパー7。しかしMヤザワ氏ってジャンボですな。

two marketing whizz-kids of Yamaha Europe, S.M. and C.B. riding double :) i mean, even the engineers and the designers make a great bike, the way to reach out to the consumers relies on these guys experience, new ideas and skills. it's a very valuable mission, i learned.

これからの時代を担っていくであろう欧州ヤマハ、マーケティングの風雲児SュンMヤザワ氏とCリスチャンB氏。もはや伏字にする意味が分からない・・・ しかし、エンジニアやデザイナーがどんなに素晴らしいオートバイを作っても、最初に買い手と心を通わす役割は彼らマーケティングの手腕とアイディアにかかっている部分が大きいのかもしれない、と今回学んだ。尊い仕事だ。

 Piaggio Ape


talking about their boots?
