Wednesday, January 20, 2016

9th planet...

referred by our good friend PY whose an expert and enthusiast of teens motorcycles, we went to see Mr. JE in Orange and got a pair of exhaust valve guides for our 1915 Indian from him.


thank you, Pete and Mr.Eagles.


still we have a long way to go... we told Mr.Eagles that we were going to participate in Cannonball and cross country with our 1915 Indian and he said "who's gonna cross country with the damn Indian! except me!" so we asked if he was in. he said "nah, i was going to but found out how much i had to pay them and decided not to. but i'll probably ride my 1914 out there when you guys are coming into San Diego!"

まだまだ先は長い・・・ そうそう、イーグルスおじいちゃんに15年のインディアンで大陸横断するんだ、と話したら、「誰がインディアンなんかで大陸横断出来るって言うんだ、ワシ以外にな!」と言っていた。だから、キャノンボール出るの?って聞いたら「出るつもりだったけど、金欠で出れん!」と言っていた。分かる。でも出て欲しかったなあ。仕方ないからゴールの手前くらいから愛車の14年のインディアンで並走するつもりだと言っていた。おじいちゃんのヴァルヴ・ガイド付けてがんばってくるねー!

 the F4.


 thinking about the side covers.


 but before that, shinya needs to make the spanner screws for the seat section.


shinya said "i just made these belly buttons. how glamorous, right?"


to be continued...


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