Thursday, March 3, 2016

learn how to ride on the dirt the Spartan way...

i've been practicing for my next flat track race at a small open space near the river. shinya and Niimie, wanting to help me, suggested to go for a trail riding. they say getting use to riding on dirt is the fastest way to learn how to ride well on the flat track. deal! let's go!


 and here we are!


the car guy Wata is warming up. it's his first experience, too.


they are pretty energetic and excited... i bet they forgot about me that i'm a beginner...


Niimie and shinya went on ahead on this trail and came back. they said maybe this one is too much for my XL100. so we decided to take another path. but Wata said he wanted to try. he was riding shinya's IT175, so, yeah, go ahead!


that little dot on the mid trail is Wata :) the trail declines sharply and ascends steeply to get to the point where Wata were.


 Wata got scared and turned back...


the trails we took were too difficult for me so we returned to the staging area. met these older guys. they asked if we were the time travelers :D they said they used to love IT175 and B50, they used to have boots like shinya's and mine, Steve McQueen used to wear those sweaters, etc. we asked them if there were trails good for beginners. they said hell, no. what? they finally told us maybe-ok-for-some-beginners route, though :P

あまりにも道が険しくなって怖くて体が固まってしまい3回くらい泣いた。なので、いったん基地に戻ってもっと初心者にやさしいコースを探すことに。基地ではトレイル遊びを終えて帰る準備をしている老紳士2名(元レーサー)に出会う。お前達、もしかして過去から来たのか?そのブーツ、俺も昔持ってたぜ。そのセーター、マクウィーンが着てたヤツだろ。おいおい、IT175は俺の一番好きだったバイクだぜ。ま、新しいKTM買うまでは、だけどな。お、古いBSAじゃねーか。なんだなんだ、タイムトラベラーだろ?とまくし立てる老紳士達。えーっと、現代の者です。ところで、初心者コースってどっちですか?は?初心者はここは無理だべ。ゴーマンだな。(別の場所の名前)えっと、でも、ここに来ちゃったので、ここの中で比較的やさしいコースは・・・ やさしいコースなんてないよ。えーっ。あーあっちなら行けるかもな。でも、ぐるっと回って反対側から戻ってこようとするなよ、途中からすっげー難しくなるから。俺たち朝行って死んだから。必ず同じ道を戻ってくるんだぞ!えーーーがびーん。なんか不安。

like these older guys said, this trail wasn't that bad. i got used to riding on dirt and it became super fun.


we got lost a bit but returned to the staging area all in one piece. the muffler of shinya's Aermacchi was about to come off :D


took a different trail. found this huge hill. (it's hard to tell from the picture) shinya and Niimie figured out this is not a good idea to climb this hill with B50, Aermacchi and XL100.


although shinya and Niimie told wata it was too difficult for him to climb that hill with the small two-stroke bike, Wata wanted to try anyway.


 it's too soon to give up, Wata!! :D


we wanted to ride forever but the OHV area was almost closing so we decided to head back to Azusa.


too bad it was closed but found a nice cafe on the way back. the time travelers :)


 what a fun day. we already want to come back.


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