Sunday, May 1, 2016

21 days under the sky...

came to The Theatre at Ace Hotel (United Artists Theatre) in downtown LA for "21 Days Under The Sky" premiere directed by our friend Michael Schmidt. one of the four leads in the movie is our super special friend Troy Critchlow.

友人Michael Schmidt氏が監督、栗一郎(と勝手に呼んでいる大好きなトロイ・クリッチロウ氏)が出演している「21 Days Under The Sky」のプレミア試写会にダウンタウンLAまで。

the Spanish Gothic-style theatre was originally opened in 1927 commissioned by United Artists, now restored and part of Ace Hotel called The Theatre at Ace Hotel.

この旧いスパニッシュ・ゴシック調の映画館は、もともとはチャップリンやダグラス・フェアバンクス監督らが創立したユナイテッド・アーティスツ(映画配給会社)が1927年に建てたシアターだそう。今はレストアされてダウンタウンLAのAce Hotelが所有して使われている。

a vaulted ceiling with thousands of tiny glasses glimmering in the theatre.


Tom Fugle's 60s 8mm footage and Rocco DeLuca's music have much chemistry and were perfect for the opening.

オープニングは60年代のTom Fugle氏とその仲間達の8mmチョッパー映像と、21 Days Under The Skyの劇中でも使われているRocco DeLucaのミュージック。この組み合わせ最高。

so happy to see our friends on the stage after the premiere. only a handful of these talented casts and production team with a limited budget... they created something special. not only the movie itself but also their spirits should widely handed down among the future generations just like we inherited from Tom Fugle and people from his era who simply had (and still have) fun with motorcycle.

ステージ上に呼び出された友人達。ほんの数人の仲間と限られた予算で人の心に響くものを創った彼らを誇らしく想う。 この映画自体だけでなく、そういう彼らのスピリットがモーターサイクルを愛する後世の人々に語り継がれるといいなあ。Tom Fugleや彼と同じ時代をモーターサイクルと共に生き、今も尚生き続けている先輩達が私達に紡いでくれたように。

 after party.


spotted SBL's BMW surrounded by many choppers :P


tonight we took no freeways to and from downtown LA and had such a fine night ride. the movie "21 days under the sky" brought back to our Cannonball memories. surrounded by land stretching ahead to the horizon every direction, fear or hopelessness when our ride brakes down in middle of nowhere, but then realized that no matter how slow we go we will get there as long as we keep moving forward, etc, etc.


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