Monday, July 11, 2016

the time is ripe...

Monday canyon ride club. the Yamaha RD350 owner D is a super neat rider that i could hardly keep up with him and shinya. they looked like they were just gliding up and down the narrow winding road without any efforts. 


the proper running form :P


along the way, the RD350 caused various problems but we somehow made it down the canyon in one piece. after all, it was a fun ride :)  


 finally... shinya get started on the F4 wiring.


though i made enlargement for him, shinya's applying all gadgets (reading glasses, magnifier) to see the wiring diagram in fine print :P 


to be continued...


1 comment:

  1. Can you and Shinya wear a GoPro on your canyon runs and you post videos of your rides? Love to see that...
