Sunday, October 2, 2016

still recovering...

NO from Tokyo was here on business and made time to visit us so we took him for a canyon ride. 


we totally forgot that today was Saturday. our favorite winding road was too trafficky by weekenders. oh, well.


seems like shinya has returned to work. oh, wait. it's a Honda XR185. "it's for you!" he said. he calls it "transition and healing process", one of the aftereffects of the Cannonball... before we go back to our ordinary life from an extraordinary life, we need some time and rehab.


at #12. Wata is busy making a roll cage for the Camaro project.


he has been working really hard these days and the Camaro project is coming along. he finally got his own pace so we try to stay out of his hair and root for him because we know how hard it is to regain momentum. 


at #7. shinya's rehab is almost done :D


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