Sunday, November 13, 2016

El Mirage november meet day 2...

 got to the spot where we left yesterday before anyone else :P


this is very special for us because, at El Mirage, only record holders and people who achieved high points (oh, and rookies) get to run a pass early in the morning. first 1-25 is what we long for! though it was a lucky break for us this time, it still feels so great! (there was a season when shinya kept breaking his personal records and his starting number went under 50 a couple of times, tho)



Spike was roaring fine right before our turn. however, when we got our turn, it was acting up and shinya couldn't start. we let our turn go and had to go back to our pit. bum・mer!!



loaded Spike in the van and shinya started to investigate.



found out that the regulator was bad and because of that the battery was dead. so i went to the nearest town about 30+ miles away to get a new battery, with shinya in racing suits :D



and we are back in the starting line!


okay, get a fresh start. first pass of the day.


second pass for these guys :)


after the pass. you get the message from his face, right?


many things happened since this morning but overall, we had a great day and the great last race of the season. shinya said he will make a clean start for the next season. see you next year, El Mirage!

朝から様々な出来事が次々に起こったけれど結局楽しかったから、ま、いっか。こんな感じで「スパッと良い記録」というものには恵まれなかったけど、今シーズンも無事に終わった。「来年また出直します。」ー木村氏談 待ってろよ、エルミラージ!

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