Monday, August 28, 2017

Wheels & Waves California day 2: twisty tour...

meeting up with everybody at the ranch in Cayucos in the morning before the ride. the excited boys... their gush of enthusiasm and interests in old motorbikes are shown here.


 departing for an adventure ride.


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stopped by the historic Santa Margarita ranch built in 1828, the oldest existing building in California. shinya, Cheetah and i got separated from Go, Masumi and Ueda at this point.


 inside the building.


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after this, we totally lost from the pack in 110F° heat in the middle of nowhere. met another lone wolf on the wrong route and four of us somehow managed to find out the way and got to the lunch spot and reunited with all other friends. man, that was a real adventure!


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and then after this, we lost shinya. his CB77 superhawk got broke down somewhere, nothing major, but i had all the tools on my Aermacchi so shinya was waiting for me on the side of the road but somehow we missed each other. after a while we realized that shinya was missing, Go, Ueda and Cheetah turned around to look for him. Masumi, Taka and i stayed at the safe area and decided to wait for them there. and then Go's Indian broke down on the way to look for shinya, Cheetah found shinya, and Ueda came back to us and told us what was going on. Masumi, Taka and i decided to head back to Cayucos ourselves just in case Go and shinya needed the van to haul their bikes.

この後、今度は木村氏失踪事件が勃発。途中でスーパーホークが壊れたらしく、大したことじゃなかったのに工具が筆者のアエルマッキに積んであったので木陰で待っていたら、筆者が気づかずに通り過ぎちゃったらしく。しばらく走ってから「あれ、木村氏がいない!」ってなって、GTカミネ氏、Uエダ氏、チーターOサワ氏が探しに戻る。Mスミ嬢とBlue GroveのTカ氏と筆者は気がついた地点で待つことに。ところが探しに行く途中でGTカミネ氏のインディアンが壊れ・・・そのちょっと先に木村氏がいたらしく、今度はそのことを知らせにUエダ氏が我々のところに戻ってきてくれ・・・どちらも直して戻るつもりだと言う。でも万が一直せなかったらバンで迎えに行かなくちゃならないので、我々は自力で先にカユコスの宿まで戻ることに。アドヴェンチャーが止まらない。

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and of course they fixed the problems and came back to Cayucos in one piece :)


as long as we are all safe, a little happening gives us some extra fun and good memories :D


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