Sunday, June 26, 2016


here's Kiyo and his new build CB1620 Gekko. we were so happy because we really wanted to see this in person. it has already won builder's choice award yesterday :) well deserved. 

ボンフリ来ました。まずは楽しみにしていたこちら。Kiyo's Garage、Kヨナガ氏によるCB750二個搭載のCB1620、月光。すでに昨日ビルダーズ・チョイスを受賞しております。とっても嬉しいです。

 shinya paying rapt attention to it. 


Brat Style Go's '39 Indian ♥ 
Go and Kiyo, they built their bikes to race. see the video of Go riding this Indian after BF. it tells all. same as Kiyo. he's going to bring his CB1620 on the dry lake and race it for the speed trial. they built their bikes for speed. that sway us emotionally.


 Indian Chout that Go built last year for BF7 ♥

これはGTカミネ氏が去年作ったIndian Chout. カッコイイ。

 Matt Machine's flathead. 


 built by Noise Cycle two years ago for BF6




 beautiful metal work.


tank art by Gen Love Ear Art (who painted Kiyo's CB1620) this photo doesn't do justice. you gotta see it in person.

Love Ear Art のGン氏の作品。これは筆者の写真じゃ魅力を伝えきれないや・・・実物を見るのをお勧めします。

woo hoo! Kiyo's gonna start up the Gekko!


what a sound! goose-bumpy. shinya said just hearing the sound somehow sparks a drive to work harder :P


humble and talented couple Kiyo and Kat. Congrats!! just like Arlen Ness' bikes from 70s, this bike will live for decades and will keep future people amused and surprised like we do now. 


1 comment:

  1. Hello Ayu! My name is Nick. I am a big fan of what i am reading and seeing on this blog, so thank you to the both of you, for your beautiful work. I have never posted a comment before, but i was wondering about the 6th picture from the bottom, the one with the words "beautiful metal work" under it. Can you tell me anything about that build? It is beautiful indeed, but i cannot seem to find any information or pictures of this bike anywhere.

    Thank you very much either way.
    Keep up your lovely posts and wonderful pictures.

    From Denmark :)
