Monday, June 27, 2016

welcome visitors...

good friend of ours and great photographer from Japan Takao Isobe stopped by with Inu Chopper T-san.

大好きな写真家Iソベ氏がニアミスでなかなかお会いできなかったInu ChopperことTシロ氏と一緒に寄ってくれた。

Isobe-san is a very mellow easygoing guy but once he looks into his viewfinder, he becomes a different person.


although we'd been interested in him the whole time and have mutual friends and all, this was our first time meeting T-san (inu chopper) in person.


however, T-san said something that he shouldn't have and made shinya angry that T-san had to kneel down on the ground T_T

いきなりNGワードを口走ってしまったinu chopper Tシロ氏、木村氏を怒らせまさかのド・ゲ・ザ!

not! it looked like he was so i decided to capture the moment :D we all had a great time. too bad the canyon was still closed due to the last week's brush fire so we couldn't take them for a ride. well, next time!


shinya's longtime friends T-san and K-san was here from Japan. they haven't seen each other more than 15 years.


SMachine and MMachine stopped by. after a flurry of festivity of bf8, they are heading north before they get back to Australia. bon voyage!


another great photographer and a treasured friend Michael Lichter from Colorado brought his longtime friend Keith Ball, former Easyriders Magazine editor, to our workshop.

これまた大切な友人の写真家 MイケルLクター氏が長年の友達KースBール氏(元・雑誌イージーライダー編集長)を連れて寄ってくれた。もはや名前を伏字にする意味はなくなっている・・・

enjoyed Keith's crazy stories so much. we got to visit his place soon.


the F4.


added some more black on the top front.


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