no one was in the line in the morning. we were the first ones.
the fourth day, first run.
hmmm...could be better.
changing jet, etc.
the official lady, we participate in the same car club and she races her indian and her husband races a knuckle. this year they're not racing on the salt flats. instead she's volunteering as an official. thanks to all the volunteers' efforts this event is impossible without them. we have the utmost respect for them. we'd like to continue racing and make a solid contribution to it, too.
second run
at the end of the course on the return road.
the course and the return roads were flatten but the surface of the salt was really bumpy this year.
shinya started to take lots of things out...
"i wanna try one more!" shinya said. you can try as much as you want, shinya!
hello jackie!
いつかはボンネビルでレースをしたいというJッキー氏は今年も見に来ていました。bean banditsのJリオ達を手伝ったりして、レースの雰囲気やルールなどを身をもって体験しています。本当に好きなんだなあ。早くレース出来るといいですね!
the third attempt...
ay...the fuel pump was broken. from the phenomenon on the spike on the course, shinya suspected it was the fuel pump but at the same time he didn't want to believe it. but it was.
"ah...fuel pump...i guess it's over..." shinya said but his hands still moving. eventually he fixed it and put it back.
"give me one more chance! i'll run just one tomorrow morning, and that's it. we'll head back by noon, ok?" shinya said. OKAY!
「ああー、明日朝1本だけ走らせて。もう一回だけチャンスをください!それでお昼にはここを出よう。」 本当は今日には帰る予定でしたけど、今日も明日もそんなに変わりません。こうなったら好きなだけやっちゃってくださいませ。
This looks like a time for the Tall Van!
hahaha great story. He wants to go faster and faster...
never give up. Love it.
Go Shinya, Go!!!!
fantastic impressions, thank you for participating!
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