Friday, September 25, 2015

motorcycle film festival in brooklyn: day 1...

at LAX after midnight.



 voila! when we woke up, we were in Brooklyn!


shinya spotted an abandoned XS750 (not so popular model) on the street and, for some reason, got so excited.


J, one of the founders of this motorcycle film festival, looked like he was very excited to see shinya.


Honda was the one of the sponsors of the festival and generously offered some of their machines for judges to ride around while we were in town. shinya picked NC700X (automatic)to try out. 


to be able to meet and talk with film makers, their team, and supporters in person is the highlight of this event. this is director Paolo Asuncion of Dirtbag II, one of our favorite films in the festival :) we feel very great and positive energy from them that makes us feel alive.

映画祭に参加している作品の制作者・出演者の皆さんと直接会ってお話出来るのが楽しい。来て良かったと心から思える瞬間。木村氏が前作から気に入っている「Dirtbag II」の監督PA氏と盛り上がる木村氏。何かをがむしゃらに自分達の手で作っている人達からは面白くてポジティブな気が流れていて元気になりますな。

 scooting around the town.


checking out Akichi Flea that our friend Fumi of Sixth Street Specials started in Brooklyn with his friends last spring. they usually open every saturday and sunday but they are open tonight! how lucky we are!

今回ブルックリンで行きたかったところが二つあって、そのうちのひとつが友人のFミ氏(sixth street specials)が春から仲間と始めたアキチ・フリーマーケット。いつもは土日に開催されているんだけど、今日はラッキーなことに金曜日の夜だけどやっているというのでのぞいてみた!イエイ(夏の間だけかも)

they haul old airstreams from all over the U.S. and transformed them to these super cool shops all by themselves. this one is Fumi and Asami-chan's shop full of old moto parts and handmade/vintage jewelry and other neat stuff.


another airstream was full of vintage cloths and boots :)


here comes Fumi with some flat track race machines! he has AMA race at OVRP race track tomorrow and day after. wish we could be there.


 Asami making something :)


Fumi and shinya. though it was only for a moment, we were so happy to see them again.


every sat & sun
1pm - 8pm
1181 Fulton St. Brooklyn, NY

back at the MFF screening. shinya has already watched all films, however this one, "out of nothing", a true story of 4 tenacious men purely seeking for the record of motorcycle land speed racing is worth watching again and again.


 selfie on the stage :)


 shinya and the fellow judge SBL in a photo booth :)


 followed by JD and CM :D


 checking the finished photos :)


what a long but fun day in Brooklyn!


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