Monday, July 18, 2011

the love wagon is back in california...

 the W couple and my duster came back from grand canyon - monument valley - salt flats - las vegas safely. the duster had no trouble at all!

新婚W夫妻がハネモネ・ロードトリップから無事に戻って来た!グランドキャニオンにモニュメントバレー、ソルト・フラットにラスベガス、と欲張りコースだったにもかかわらず、ダスターは特に問題なかったらしい・・・'s ok, the blinker came off. it's nothing.


 ah? the old carpet came out from a hole on the floor covered with some salt...


 i think the antenna supposed be straight up...W said they put the duster in the car wash machine and it came out like this...well, as long as they had a great time, it's all right!


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