Wednesday, June 22, 2016

no canyon, no hospitality...

KS of Fusty Works, SO of Fly Wheels Magazine, TY of Valley Auto from Japan and W-san of Rod and Shout in Gardena stopped by :)

久しぶりに大好きなマガジンFly WheelsのOイカワ氏とValley AutoのTクロウ氏、それからそんなに久しぶりでもない巨匠ファス(3人はフロム・ジャポン)と最近よく会うWニさん(フロム・ガーディナ)がチャボに寄ってくれました。

too bad the canyon is closed due to the brush fire, we couldn't take them for a canyon ride...


now Niimie has gone back to Japan and the Indian is pretty much Cannonball ready, it's time for shinya to get back to the F4.


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