Saturday, December 9, 2017

classic flat track day...

today is Classic Flat Track Day at Walt James Stadium at Willow Springs Raceway(3/8 mile banked). when i said that i was going to participate, shinya said "ok, you go, have fun!" (since he doesn't race flat track) but when he found out that i was going with Kiyo and Kat (Kiyo's Garage), he suddenly changed his mind and said "i can come and help you guys"... yeah, right 😁

本日はウィロー・スプリングス・レースウェイにあるウォルト・ジェイムス・スタジアムというフラット・トラック場で(3/8マイル、バンク付)走行会があるというので参加。筆者が「練習行って来る」と言ったら「へー行ってらっしゃい」と無関心だった木村氏、Kiyo's GarageのKヨ氏とKットさんも行くと聞いたら急に「みんなの手伝いで行こうかな」だって。明日どーするー??と楽しそうに計画立ててるの見て行きたくなっちゃったみたい。プププ ということで久々にチーム黒猫ライダースが集まった。

 we had a pretty random lineup😄


 TR5C ♥

we love them because they do anything fun and challenge whatever looks interesting to them. just like us 😉



all photos below were taken by shinya.


kiyo said this was his first time riding on the flat track. but he already looked cool.


it was her first time also but Kat was riding pretty good.


 Kat having fun in the dart and now she's hooked.






 Kiyo and Kat


after party trail ride with all participants and shinya 😊


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