Tuesday, October 2, 2012

mysterious niimie...

today shinya took his 80s sporty for the late afternoon canyon ride.


and he fell in love with it again :)

every time i ride my SR i fell in love with it, too.


got these on the way to new york. left one is zion because we passed zion and right one is mount rushmore because we were gonna pass monut rushmore but, in fact, our indian was in pieces when we were in south dakota :< still a good memory :)


then shinya and i dropped our gaze and found this tool box full of treasures under the bench. everything looked familiar for some reason but none of us remembered putting that box there. then we recalled that niimie had said about it that instead of shipping them he wanted to take it with him on the plane. and he left it there... oh, well. 



jam'zgarage said...

ふふふっ。 バレましたか。。 預かり、宜しくお願いします!!

menacing ayu said...

jam'zgarage: いやいや、これ読んで「あっ!」って声出しちゃったでしょ?すっかり忘れてたくせにぃ~

jam'zgarage said...

はぁ~~っ。 参りました。。!